Monday 23 May 2016

Tree Collection Code Example

 COLLECTION items must have a parent id property, null indicates a root

 var rootNodes = Node<Location>.CreateTree(locations, l => l.Id, l => l.ParentId);

    var rootNode = rootNodes.Single(); // Assume that all nodes belong to one tree, otherwise there would be more rootnodes
    var theNetherlands = rootNode.Descendants.Single(n => n.Value.Name == "The Netherlands");


public class Node<T> : IEqualityComparer, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<Node<T>>

public Node<T> Parent { get; private set; }
public T Value { get; set; }
private readonly List<Node<T>> _children = new List<Node<T>>();

public Node(T value)


Value = value;

public Node<T> this[int index]

get { return _children[index]; }

public Node<T> Add(T value, int index = -1)

var childNode = new Node<T>(value);

Add(childNode, index);
return childNode;

public void Add(Node<T> childNode, int index = -1)

if (index < -1)

throw new ArgumentException("The index can not be lower then -1");

if (index > Children.Count() - 1)

throw new ArgumentException(
"The index ({0}) can not be higher then index of the last iten. Use the AddChild() method without an index to add at the end"


if (!childNode.IsRoot)

throw new ArgumentException(
"The child node with value [{0}] can not be added because it is not a root node.".FormatInvariant(


if (Root == childNode)

throw new ArgumentException(
"The child node with value [{0}] is the rootnode of the parent.".FormatInvariant(childNode.Value));

if (childNode.SelfAndDescendants.Any(n => this == n))

throw new ArgumentException(
"The childnode with value [{0}] can not be added to itself or its descendants.".FormatInvariant(


childNode.Parent = this;
if (index == -1)





_children.Insert(index, childNode);


public Node<T> AddFirstChild(T value)

var childNode = new Node<T>(value);

return childNode;

public void AddFirstChild(Node<T> childNode)


Add(childNode, 0);

public Node<T> AddFirstSibling(T value)

var childNode = new Node<T>(value);

return childNode;

public void AddFirstSibling(Node<T> childNode)



public Node<T> AddLastSibling(T value)

var childNode = new Node<T>(value);

return childNode;

public void AddLastSibling(Node<T> childNode)



public Node<T> AddParent(T value)

var newNode = new Node<T>(value);

return newNode;

public void AddParent(Node<T> parentNode)

if (!IsRoot)

throw new ArgumentException("This node [{0}] already has a parent".FormatInvariant(Value), "parentNode");


public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Ancestors


if (IsRoot)

return Enumerable.Empty<Node<T>>();

return Parent.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Parent.Ancestors);


public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Descendants

get { return SelfAndDescendants.Skip(1); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Children

get { return _children; }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> Siblings

get { return SelfAndSiblings.Where(Other); }

private bool Other(Node<T> node)

return !ReferenceEquals(node, this);

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndChildren

get { return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Children); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndAncestors

get { return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Ancestors); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndDescendants

get { return this.ToIEnumarable().Concat(Children.SelectMany(c => c.SelfAndDescendants)); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndSiblings


if (IsRoot)

return this.ToIEnumarable();

return Parent.Children;


public IEnumerable<Node<T>> All

get { return Root.SelfAndDescendants; }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SameLevel

get { return SelfAndSameLevel.Where(Other); }

public int Level

get { return Ancestors.Count(); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> SelfAndSameLevel

get { return GetNodesAtLevel(Level); }

public IEnumerable<Node<T>> GetNodesAtLevel(int level)

return Root.GetNodesAtLevelInternal(level);

private IEnumerable<Node<T>> GetNodesAtLevelInternal(int level)

if (level == Level)

return this.ToIEnumarable();

return Children.SelectMany(c => c.GetNodesAtLevelInternal(level));

public Node<T> Root

get { return SelfAndAncestors.Last(); }

public void Disconnect()

if (IsRoot)

throw new InvalidOperationException(
"The root node [{0}] can not get disconnected from a parent.".FormatInvariant(Value));

Parent = null;

public bool IsRoot

get { return Parent == null; }

IEnumerator<T> IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator()

return _children.Values().GetEnumerator();

IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()

return _children.GetEnumerator();

public IEnumerator<Node<T>> GetEnumerator()

return _children.GetEnumerator();

public override string ToString()

return Value.ToString();

public static IEnumerable<Node<T>> CreateTree<TId>(IEnumerable<T> values, Func<T, TId> idSelector,
Func<T, TId?> parentIdSelector) where TId : struct

var valuesCache = values.ToList();
if (!valuesCache.Any()) return Enumerable.Empty<Node<T>>();

T itemWithIdAndParentIdIsTheSame =

valuesCache.FirstOrDefault(v => IsSameId(idSelector(v), parentIdSelector(v)));
if (itemWithIdAndParentIdIsTheSame != null)

throw new ArgumentException(
"At least one value has the samen Id and parentId [{0}]".FormatInvariant(


var nodes = valuesCache.Select(v => new Node<T>(v));
return CreateTree(nodes, idSelector, parentIdSelector);

public static IEnumerable<Node<T>> CreateTree<TId>(IEnumerable<Node<T>> rootNodes, Func<T, TId> idSelector,
Func<T, TId?> parentIdSelector) where TId : struct

var rootNodesCache = rootNodes.ToList();
var duplicates = rootNodesCache.Duplicates(n => n).ToList();
if (duplicates.Any())

throw new ArgumentException(
"One or more values contains {0} duplicate keys. The first duplicate is: [{1}]".FormatInvariant(

duplicates.Count, duplicates[0]));

foreach (var rootNode in rootNodesCache)

var parentId = parentIdSelector(rootNode.Value);
var parent = rootNodesCache.FirstOrDefault(n => IsSameId(idSelector(n.Value), parentId));
if (parent != null)



else if (parentId != null)

throw new ArgumentException(
"A value has the parent ID [{0}] but no other nodes has this ID".FormatInvariant(parentId.Value));


var result = rootNodesCache.Where(n => n.IsRoot);
return result;

private static bool IsSameId<TId>(TId id, TId? parentId) where TId : struct

return parentId != null && id.Equals(parentId.Value);

public static bool operator ==(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2)

if ((object)(value1) == null && (object)value2 == null)

return true;

return ReferenceEquals(value1, value2);

public static bool operator !=(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2)

return !(value1 == value2);

public override bool Equals(Object anderePeriode)

var valueThisType = anderePeriode as Node<T>;
return this == valueThisType;

public bool Equals(Node<T> value)

return this == value;

public bool Equals(Node<T> value1, Node<T> value2)

return value1 == value2;

bool IEqualityComparer.Equals(object value1, object value2)

var valueThisType1 = value1 as Node<T>;
var valueThisType2 = value2 as Node<T>;
return Equals(valueThisType1, valueThisType2);

public int GetHashCode(object obj)

return GetHashCode(obj as Node<T>);

public override int GetHashCode()

return GetHashCode(this);

public int GetHashCode(Node<T> value)

return base.GetHashCode();



public static class NodeExtensions

public static IEnumerable<T> Values<T>(this IEnumerable<Node<T>> nodes)

return nodes.Select(n => n.Value);



public static class OtherExtensions

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Duplicates<TSource, TKey>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
Func<TSource, TKey> selector)

var grouped = source.GroupBy(selector);
var moreThen1 = grouped.Where(i => i.IsMultiple());
return moreThen1.SelectMany(i => i);

public static bool IsMultiple<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)

var enumerator = source.GetEnumerator();
return enumerator.MoveNext() && enumerator.MoveNext();

public static IEnumerable<T> ToIEnumarable<T>(this T item)

yield return item;

public static string FormatInvariant(this string text, params object[] parameters)

return string.Format(text, parameters);



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