Wednesday 18 March 2015

Richard Branson Business Book Notes

1.0 Five Secrets To Starting A Business

  1.  If you don't enjoy it, don't do it 
    Starting a business takes huge amounts of hard work so you better enjoy it. 
  2. Be innovative - create something different
    • You've got to do something radically different to make your mark today, it is not easy to start a company and to survive and thrive in the the modern world.
    • Look at Microsoft, Google, Apple and Facebook. the way they've shaken up the world we live in by doing things that had never been done before and then continually innovating.
    • If you enter a already crowded segment, you had better be ready to offer customer service that blows the competition away.

  3. Pride of association works wonders.
    • Businesses are nothing more then than a group of people.
    • People are by far and away your biggest assets.
    • In probably the majority of your businesses your people are your product.
  4. Lead by listening
    • To be a good leader you have to be a great listener.
    • No point of imposing your ideas with no debate and a degree on consensus.
    • No one has a monopoly on good ideas or good advice.
    • Never openly criticize people. Never lose your temper.
    • Always be quick to applaud a job well done, people flourish on praise.
    • People don't need to be told when they've done something wrong, because usually they  know it.
  5. Be Visible
    • A good leader doesn't get stuck behind a desk.
    • Constantly be out and about, meeting people.
    • Its easy in small companies and  harder in large companies, so appoint company heads with the same philosophy. This way you can run large group of company in the same way a small business owner runs a family business. Keeping  proactive, responsive, and friendly.

    p.s If you don't survive, just remember that the majority of new businesses don't make it.
         Some of the best lessons come from failure.|Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start

2.0 People Power - The real engine of any business

Finding them, managing them, inspiring them and then holding on to them is one of the most important challenges a business leader faces, and your success or lack thereof plays a vital role in the long term success and growth of your business.

- A company is a collection of people.
- People are the front-line of your business.
- When a company offers pretty much the same as its rivals. The thing that sets it apart is its people and their attitude towards customers. If they're always smiling, cheerful and pleased to help. customers will continue to want to deal with your company.
- A good leader must know the team, its strengths and weaknesses; socializing and listening to the team face to face is key.
-One of the most common reasons people leave a job is because they are not listened too. it is rarely about money, more often about frustration.
- Leaders must keep the employees trust

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